1. Services, supplies and payments and all other transactions shall be subject to these General Terms and Conditions.

2. The scope of supply and services is based on a binding, written acknowledgement of order.

3. Interpreting orders shall be calculated on a daily basis as firm bookings. Expenses (meals, traveling expenses, accommodation, etc.) shall be borne by the customer. In addition to daily rates, the following charges are made:

½ daily fee as per diem allowance if the location of the interpretation activity is not within the immediate geographical vicinity of the interpreter’s home and the interpreter therefore needs to travel to the location the day before.

Traveling expenses: First-class ticket by rail, economy class for plane journeys within Europe.

½ daily fee per briefing session on the customer’s premises.

4. The customer undertakes to provide the contractor with available information material (e.g. agendas, list of participants, speeches/lectures, PowerPoint slides, reports, brochures) in good time before the interpreting activity commences. No liability is accepted for damages which may be incurred as a result of failure to comply with this requirement.

5. Interpreting from one foreign language into another without the involvement of the mother tongue shall be subject to a bonus payment in addition to the agreed daily fee.

6. The contractor is able to arrange the provision of audio control systems for interpreters; liability for such systems is disclaimed.

7. Should the customer withdraw from the contract without any occasion being given for the same by the contractor, the customer shall pay a cancellation charge of at least 50 % of the interpreter’s fee.

8. Unless otherwise agreed, invoices shall be due for immediate settlement or, where agreed, settlement 14 days subsequent to the invoice date at no discount.

9. All interpreting orders, including the information material made available to the interpreter in advance shall be treated with absolute confidentiality. Interpreters are subject to a duty to maintain professional confidentiality. Interpreters are obliged to work conscientiously to the best of their abilities. Interpreters are not subject to more extensive duties.

10. Interpreter’s copyright. The product of the interpreter’s work performance is intended to be heard immediately. The interpreter’s work performance may only be recorded with the former’s prior consent. The interpreter reserves his or her right to copyright; reference is hereby made to the provisions of the Data Protection Act (Datenschutzgesetz), copyright law, the revised Bern copyright conventions and the World Copyright Convention.

11. If sound films or similar are shown, it is only possible to provide a simultaneous interpretation of the same if the interpreter has been able to read through the script before the conference, is able to draw on the script while the film is being shown, has been able to rehearse before the conference, and the sound can be fed into the simultaneous interpreting system via cables.

12. Pure interpreting time shall not exceed 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon.

13. Persons who are not members of the team shall only be used as interpreters if this has been agreed in advance.

14. Should one or several of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions be legally invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

15. The legal venue is Wuppertal, Germany.